Walking Shanghai 3

Shanghai Disneyland

Did you guess?????


sort of had to check out the park at Shanghai…

I hope the Disney photos don’t offend… there are some who don’t like Disney..

I spoke with a traveling retired couple from Germany last night at Nanjing Road…. The woman was definite that she did not like ‘anything  like that’….

photos are taken where I am at the time…  
and this is where I am at the moment..
I’ll try to mark them DL editions so you can miss them if you want…

I think I have been to all the Disneyland except Paris now..

its been alternately overcast the last few days.. 

How to Get to Shanghai Disneyland

It takes about an hour by two subways from People’s Square…
One of many subway entrances around People’s square
in the background.. the round topped building is the Radison Hotel
the brown building was the original YMCA 
There are Many subway lines.. and underground connections .. often lined with many stores… 
for example there is a Starbucks directly ahead…
From People’s Square…
take Subway 8… for about half an hour
transfer to subway 11 for about half an hour
which ends at Disneyland
This is where you get on line 8
Get off at the proper station
follow the signs to Line 11
follow the signs to line 11.. Disneyland Resort
see the sign?
There are signs in the subway showing all the stops on that line
the grey section is sites already visited by this train
the colored part is stops coming up
here we see stops from connection with line 8 at People’s Square 
to Disney Resort on the left
How do you know when to get off???
First trick: count the stops ….
Second.. watch the scrolling signs above doors between subway cars… 
information is in both Chinese and English
Get off at the last stop on line 11… that’s easy.. everyone gets off..
There is a larger surface area to the Disney station
HINT: food is expensive inside the park…
just ahead is a Family Mart store.. sort of like a Seven Eleven.. huge chain here… everywhere you can get good meals cheap .. they heat in microwave
fill up before entering the park… save lots..
ollow the people..
Exit the building…
I found a bench ahead to the left.. to eat my lunch..
my ‘lunch bench’…. looking across a lake at a Disney Hotel…
from here you walk past really long provisions for ‘lines’…  just to get into the park…
must have been awesome wait times when park first opened…
even now on holidays…
more walking…
more room for lines…..  whew…
that’s the entrance ahead..  its in sight…
next time…  we actually get there..

see you next time….

don’t miss it if you can…